Materials and Technical Requirements


Most ½ûÂþÌìÌà Virtual School courses do not require a physical textbook or additional materials. For courses that do require additional materials, GaVS does provide these materials to students.* During the registration process for courses that require additional materials and/or textbooks, students are required to complete a release form. The course materials are shipped to students and any materials that are not consumable should be returned to GaVS at the end of the course using the provided postage paid mailing materials. 

*Some science courses have “kitchen labs." GaVS provides a shopping list for these materials but does not cover the cost of these materials.  

Technical Requirements

Just as it is necessary to have a pen and paper for traditional, face-to-face classes, the following items are the minimum hardware and software requirements essential to a student's success with GaVS courses:

  • Internet Service Provider (ISP) : An ISP is a company that provides  the software and access necessary for getting onto the Internet. Students will need reliable Internet access to take GAVS courses. Students  will need high speed access to the internet for at least part of each class.
  • Software Downloads: Some classes, including AP Calculus, AP Physics, Beginning Programming, Intro to Digital Technology, and AP Music Theory require specialized downloads. Click to access a document detailing the most current ½ûÂþÌìÌà Virtual School hardware and software requirements.