The ½ûÂþÌìÌà Virtual School provides opportunities and options for ½ûÂþÌìÌà students to engage in Advanced Placement, college preparatory, career and technical courses, and other electives online to enhance their learning experiences.
Participation Requirements Local schools must provide students access to an Internet connected computer. If the student is taking the course off campus at home, the school must verify that access is present. Schools must also provide a school facilitator who will act as a liaison between the local school and ½ûÂþÌìÌà Virtual School. Facilitators approve all courses that a student requests to take with ½ûÂþÌìÌà Virtual School. A final requirement for participation in the program is the school has to agree to accept and transcribe the students' grades at the end of the semester. GA Virtual School does not grant credit.
Facilitator Information Every school has a local facilitator. In addition to getting the students approved and into their courses, facilitators have the following responsibilities:
Best Practices Many school districts struggle with the best way to incorporate online learning into their current policies and practices. Click HERE for more specific information about how to utilize GaVS in your school.
Private School EOCT Information Private School students who enroll in one of the state mandated End of Course Assessment courses are not required to take the assessment. All private school students will take the final exam for all GaVS courses.
Online Course Demo General FAQ's Mobile Learning Notification of Rights Dexter Mosley Act